Register for a New SEVIS Account

Required fields are marked with an asterisk ()
Validation Error(s)
You must correct the following error(s) before proceeding:
  • Missing First Name
  • Missing or Malformed e-mail address [Null or Invalid email address.]
  • Access indicator was not marked
  • Missing School/Program Name
  • Missing or Invalid Telephone Number (Non-digit characters in phone number.)
  • Missing Last Name

Reason for Access*

Apply for New School Certification by DHS to admit F and/or M Students

Apply for New Program Designation by DoS to admit J Exchange Visitors

( ) - ext.
Click and drag the blue box to right to activate the Submit button.
Slide to Unlock

How to Request a Government User Account

In order to request a government user account in SEVIS, you must complete the Password Issuance and Control System (PICS) process. Follow this link for detailed directions and follow the process which best reflects your employment type, either ICE/ DHS employee, or government employee outside of ICE and DHS.

Already have a account? Login here